söndag 27 januari 2013

Bitchslapped with knuckle dusters by Karma.

I needed some items for a project I was thinking of the other day, so I went shopping with my mother. I came back practically empty handed, but she filled the entire backseat of my car with stuff. As I saw her accumulate more and more things, the minimalist-me started worrying.

Where's she gonna put all this junk? At one point I actually had to ask her to come back from the 1980's and step away from the plastic red roses.

So for every new item that grabbed her attention, I kept asking her: What are you going to use it for?
Her reply: I don't know, but it's so beautiful, and on sale, so...
To my shame; Me: Well just because it's beautiful doesn't mean you have to buy it. That's consumerism. Just enjoy it's beauty for now, and if you can't stop thinking about it you know where to find it later.
Mentally snorting I even thought: Thank Goodness I'm Over Buying Just Because It's Pretty Enough.

Once back home at my own place, what happens? First thing I see wipes the smugness of my face.
By the sink the abominations hung.
Too long, touching the floor, bought because of their beauty, but too pretty to actually be used. All the things I thought about my mother's shopping.
I slap my self mentally and promise to never think bad about my mother's shopping habits ever again. Bad, Bad Daughter!!!

After sleeping restlessly, plagued by my condescending thoughts earlier about my mother, I decided I needed to correct my own mistake first thing the next morning as a penance of sorts.
The abominations became curtains:

Not the prettiest curtains, but I'll add some more pink fabric later on.

"Keep it simple, Less is more". Oh, the irony...
Sometimes Karma taps you gently on the shoulder, sometimes it literally Bitchslaps you in the face - With knuckle dusters.


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