fredag 1 februari 2013

Membranous glomerulonephritis. Round 2. Week 7.

End of week 6.

Week 7:
Medication: 250mg cytotoxins (Cyclosporin), 48mg cortisone and other assorted goodies.

For week 7 the Doctors orders were to amp up the cytotoxins again, but to decrease the cortisone by -16mg. So good news! 
I've responded really well to the treatment so far. Some measurement had decreased by 3/4 (which one I do not know) and the protein leakage into my urine has decreased as well. I got two more months of sick-leave, which makes the total four months. I'm hoping I won't need all of that.  

On the flip side of this change is the nausea and tremors caused by the cytotoxins increasing while the high from the cortisone diminishing, and frankly, I'd rather be high and frantic than feeling like shaking shit turned over. I'm already tired enough to lash out at my loved ones for the smallest freakiest things after the last increase, so an even more nasty temper is probably only to be expected. Explain this to your family, and remember to apologize after one of your outburst.

What else? Last week the mother of all nasty vaginal infections plagued me horrendously. I still have sensitive dry skin on the rest of my body, and after experimenting with taking no naps during the days I'm now sleeping 6 -7 hours on a good night. I still need to take it easy during the two hours I normally would have napped though.
Also, I no longer have any muscles in my thighs. Rising from a chair requires holding on to something, and don't get me started on getting up of the floor. Think truck backing up, ass first.


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