fredag 6 augusti 2010


Ja, nu har jag fallit ner i Vampyrnovell-träsket IGEN. Det är så med mig. Upp och Ner. Efter en period med seriös litteratur såsom Jane Austen och Carson McCullers, måste jag bara få vältra mig i något ytterst oseriöst och definitivt smaklöst. Slumma lite liksom.

Författaren i fråga, Katie MacAlister, har dessutom en blogg som man gärna får kolla in på måndagar. Aaah Måndagar... Mums-Måndagar. Dregel-Måndagar. Underbara karlar dagar. Definitivt inte högtravande eller fin-kulturellt. Länk finns i listan till höger.

I pointed a finger at him. "You are too arrogant for your own good. I officially
de-mate you. Go away. I never want to see you again. Except maybe tonight.
Naked. Your place. But after that, no more."
(You Slay Me)

"A compliment would be the last thing out of my mouth to a man who was so pigheaded that he could be served at a luau."
(A Girl's Guide to Vampires)

"Stay here til I come to fetch you."
I no longer recognize you in the Republic of Joy," I loftily informed him. "Our diplomatic ties are severed."
Unsever them," he growled, "or the Country of Raphael will be forced to declare your republic a protectorate."
Dictator," I muttered.
For life," he agreed."
(A Girl's Guide to Vampires)

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