måndag 19 april 2010

Liksainn(-es) -ad.

On behalf of Phil, from whose blog I so rudely stole the picture below, this entry will be written in English - Just so he’ll have an idea of what I’m yapping on about. Don’t worry, I’ll revert to Swedish for the next entry.
Please folks, meet Phil. You’ll like him. He’s got more of a message and a theme than I have. Now, on to the real subject:

I was going about my day at work, when suddenly, and god knows from where, the thought hit me: What would Mauri Pekkarinen look like without the wig? I mean, the man has looked the same for I don’t know how long. Everybody else age, but no, not him. He’s been cruising through life looking like 'Troll', the toy if you remember those, with a blanket for hair for I don’t know how many years.
The thought, to perverted to be ignored, sent me searching the internet...

Nothing. Oh wait! No... Nada.

Gee, where’s the paparazzi when you need them? Oh, that’s right. No paparazzi in Finland. Hardly any investigating journalism at all, the sanctity of privacy and all that.

Hmm, anybody out there who knows how to photoshop?

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