söndag 13 januari 2013

Membranous glomerulonephritis. Round 2. Week 1.

One of the more noticeable changes is the one on ones appearance. Medication is not easy on the looks. But fortunately, I'm not too vain to medicate. This is me, day 0. Without makeup I might add, but surely you already noticed :P

Day 0

Week 1: 
Medication: 150mg cytotoxins (Cyclosporin), 64mg cortisone and other assorted goodies.

He spoke gently, tilted his head in an attempt at sympathy.
Am I distressing you? he asked as my blood pressure measured 175/110 (True number, btw). Me distressed? Why doctor, whatever do you mean? How could I possibly be distressed? Being told I'm back at ground zero after a year on, and just four months off, meds can't possibly be distressing can it?
As he droned on on the new and improved side-effects of the planned medication; this time almost guaranteeing diabetes, I more or less zoned out whilst he told me of the weekly blood-sugar and blood-pressure appointments, the bi-weekly other testing, what to look out for, and other signs to check. As of yet I'm not sure I got it all. I can pretty much guarantee I missed some major important stuff. I know I missed the 'take it easy and relax' part in particular. Oh, and breathing. Forgot about that too :)

I got two months of sick-leave to start with. The plan is to half the cortisone within a month.
The side-effects I experienced during week 1 were: Nausea and cold sweats about 1,5-2 hours after taking the meds, and a complete inability to concentrate on anything more than a few seconds.

Tip: Eat a sturdy but healthy breakfast before taking the pills. I skipped breakfast the first day, and all those meds on an empty stomach hit me hard. An all time low energy level is to be expected, so I've started drinking a Green spinach smoothie every morning to get the extra energy I need. The smoothie recipe I use comes from here.
You'll also want to get a deep cleaning, but non corrosive facial, and if you like me got some grey hair, a coloring. Those won't be possible later on.


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