söndag 20 januari 2013

Membranous glomerulonephritis. Round 2. Week 5.

Medication: 200mg cytotoxins (Cyclosporin), 64mg cortisone and other assorted goodies.

I'm having serious trouble sleeping, so I'm back. This is the third night I'm up at five in the morning NOT HAVING SLEPT YET ALL DAY. These meds are going to send me to the loonybin in a matter of days if this continues.
I'm seriously contemplating just letting go of having a "schedule", or maybe changing the time I take my meds. Maybe pills in the afternoon and late mornings would work better, match my activities better with the rest of the family? I'll figure it out somehow. It being the weekend, and the family being around all day constantly distracting my short attention span has probably just taken its course. 
Have you ever noticed how sometimes something happens, and then there's just more of the same all day? No chance of stopping it? Like the phone, one day ringing all day to the point where you just want to throw it against the wall so it would shut the fuck up, just to be completely dead and quiet for days afterwards? Today's been one of those days. 

*It's been lovely, but I have to scream now*

Whatever the reason, here I am, five in the morning with a cup of tea and a whirlwind mind. The ''ideas and to-do list'' I've conjured the last hour has 23 items on it, and it keeps getting longer. I've always done my best thinking at night anyway. It's finally quiet enough to hear yourself thinking.

Oh yeah, this post is supposed to be about the Membranous glomerulonephritis, so I'll try to update you on something more relevant than my middle of the night ramblings. Here goes: I 'm pretty sure I have a throat infection. So much for preventative antibiotics, huh? 
The swelling is now affecting my eyes, the pressure to them is tangible. It's pretty bad around my throat and neck as well, I'm getting trouble turning my head to the side and finding a comfortable position on my pillow at night.
Aaaand my period is early, and completely weird. Add medically induced skinsensitivity into your nether-regions on top of the natural sensitivity some women experience during menstruation and you've got me;  buying tonnes of the softest babywipes available instead of regular toilet paper and a bad attitude on top of that. During Round One I stopped menstruating completely, but I do not remember being affected this early on. But don't worry, it'll come back to haunt you when you're well again.

Looking into a mirror is now a daily horror show. Remember how I warned you to get the tweezers out? Forget that, I'm now shaving daily, shaving cream and all. Today I discovered that I've started growing whiskers on the top of my cheekbones, and my eyebrow hair has started taking on the texture of old men's nosehair; 2 cm long, white like glass and rigid as hell.

I'm also sniffling like crazy. I think it's my brain leaking out.

Me at the end of week 5.
You probably won't believe me, but the swelling WILL get worse.


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