söndag 27 januari 2013

Overstating the obvious

The Bitchslap I got from Karma for thinking bad about my mother (see previous post) , was an eyeopener in more than one way.

Apparently I've also swallowed the text-trend  in interior design sink and hook.
This pic woke me up:

At the bottom left corner. What do I see?

I'm not blind, nor stupid. I can see there's tea there. Why the text??
I'm sooo painting this over. 
Then I turn around, and no less than 3 meters away, there's this hanging on the wall by the fridge: 

Huh. Guess I have to rethink the not stupid statement, right? 
However, this does not contain tea... Bazinga! 
After doing it's foremost duty; reminding me to take the meds I'm on, it also  holds an assortment of all the little knick-knacks I don't know where else to put, but which comes in handy in the kitchen. Such as rubberbands, breadbags-clips, toothpicks and extra fridge magnets.
But why haven't I scratched off the text? Poor guests! I always tell them to make themselves at home in my kitchen, and yet here I am misleading them terribly. He, he, he... ;)

By now I'm intrigued. What else text-wise is there really here? Quite a bit it turns out. 
Just in the kitchen area I found:

Sink backsplash.
After 1,5 year in the house, I still don't remember which knob turns on what.
The controlfreak in me loves the labeller so...
Again, true.
Truth #3. Sign remade to magnet,
hanging on the edge of  the stove fan, facing the living room area. 

The living room area had been spared, almost. This is the Man's addition of text in the house and it's going out to the Party-Barn come spring.

Moving on throughout the rest of our little house:

Bathroom. Colorcoded sortingstation for laundry.
Little bathroom, cabinet. Labeller in use again.
Top shelf: Batteries-Plugs-Insects-Sun
Lower shelf: Medicines (Me, the Man, All purpose)
The little bathroom again. Small window, no real need for curtains,
 so why not a framed comic? I do not know how my mind works...
Bedroom mirror. "Life's simple pleasures:
A seed to sow, a place to go, a walk to take, something to make"
Bedroom again.

What do you think? I'm thinking maybe I need a text-detox. I'm really overstating the obvious, aren't I?
Funny thing is, the only "statement" we have deliberately placed in our home doesn't even have text on it.  This is it:

Hint: It's not the lamp nor the fern.


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